Advanced technologies have come as a major lifesaver for recruiters and candidates in many ways. Due to the advent of modern technology, the recruitment process right now is much more refined and easy to handle. Of course, this is quite great, especially in a fast-paced environment. It has helped the concerned parties in many ways and it will continue to do so with innovations and further advancements in the technology. For this reason, companies with a significant budget now resort to technology to bring in new talent.
Let’s see how technology has impacted the modern recruitment process.
- Less Effort for the Recruiter and Candidate
Automation has taken over in most companies and this has reduced the time taken for the recruiter to find the right CV and hire the right candidate. Through automation, companies are now able to source candidates and schedule interviews in very less time. Manual sourcing and shortlisting of resumes took a major chunk of their time and this also increased expenses. Automation is a one-time investment which saves money in the long run.
Social media platforms like LinkedIn have made it super easier to find the right talent for the job. Individuals now apply online and give online interviews through video calling applications such as Skype. This saves travelling cost for the candidate or the company if they were to sponsor.
- Online Testing
Before calling the candidate for a one-on-one interview, companies now take an online aptitude test for the shortlisted applicants. The score helps the recruiter decide whether the candidate is good enough for the company or not. This saves time by rejecting applications which do not meet the company’s requirements.
- You Can Reach Out to the Right Target
Platforms like LinkedIn allow managers to view the profile of individuals. If their interests, experience, and qualification match the requirements, then the individuals is immediately contacted. You no longer need to distribute the job description to 100 people out of which 60 are not the right fit for the job. There are other platforms which are specific to a certain niche where you can post your job and receive relevant resumes within no time.
- Employer Branding
It is a common practice for big companies to make employer branding videos or content which is published on different platforms and their official website. This enables job seekers to know more about the company and also gives an idea about the working conditions. However, the videos need to be well-shot and informative. It is highly discouraged to add any misleading information because this may adversely impact the recruitment process.
- Employee Trend Analysis
There are a number of different software and platforms which give a detailed analysis and insights into the employee trends. This helps you alter your selection process accordingly and refine them to get the desired results. Recruitment agencies like Zoom Recruitment are involved in practices like these to get the best of talents on board.